Item Coversheet

Item Report 5.3

Meeting Date: 3/7/2023

County Administrative Office
Elizabeth Hamilton
5.3 Ordinance: Fees (Code Section 2.64.050)

Requested Action:

Introduce and waiving the reading an ordinance amending Trinity County Code Section 2.64.050 regarding various county fees.
Fiscal Impact:

Potential increase in revenues in an unknown amount to various county departments.

This is the second first reading of the proposed ordinance to increase a variety of county fees.  This item was originally presented to the Board on the 20th of December and continued to the 3rd of January due to widespread internet connectivity issues that affected the ability of our citizens to participate in the meeting. During the meeting on the third the board introduced the item as presented with two minor changes.  The Board voted to decrease the following fees under the Treasurer/Tax Collector:

  • Additional mobile home tax clearance from $67 per certificate as presented to $35 per certificate; and 
  • Parcel map/lot line adjustment security bond from $82 per parcel as presented to $40 per parcel.


During the second reading on the 18th of January, there were a variety of changes requested by the Ag Department and Sheriff's Office for Animal Control.  The changes being discussed and requested were substantive and required a second first reading.  Following the meeting on the 18th the Ag Department and the Sheriff's Office met with our fiscal consultant to discuss the requested changes. Based on the requested changes and the availability of staff to review the modifications, Animal Control was removed from this ordinance and this part of the fee study.  Animal Control is planned to be included in a second round that we hope to have before the Board in June.


Below is the original summary from the December 20 BOS meeting with the following changes to the list of departments covered in this part of the fee study and fee increases:

  • The addition of the Building Department; and
  • The removal of Animal Control. 


The County has been working on a comprehensive fee study to review and update fees countywide.  Due to staffing issues this project had to be broken into pieces so that we could bring forward those departments who had provide the necessary information to perform the fee study and make recommendations for changes to the current fee schedule.


The departments before you for consideration during this first round are:

  • Ag/Sealer
  • Auditor
  • Building Department
  • Building and Grounds (General Services)
  • Cemeteries
  • County Counsel
  • Environmental Health
  • Information Technology
  • Public Health
  • Solid Waste
  • Treasurer/Tax Collector


The fees recommended are based on the fully weighted fee.  The fully weighted fees for some of these may be higher than the Board and/or Department would want to charge.  If that is the case, the Board has the discretion to charge less than the fully weighted fee, recognizing that any reduction in the fully weighted fee will likely need to be subsidized by the General Fund.

Alternatives Including Financial Implications:

Deny adoption of this ordinance and advise staff.  Denial of this ordinance will cause the departments that have completed the fee study to continue charging outdated fees that do not fully cover their costs of providing the service.
Departmental Recommendation:

It is staff's recommendation that the Board waive the reading of and enact the ordinance updating/adding/deleting various fees for the departments listed in the summary above.

Fee Study Backup
Ordinance - Code Section 2.64.050 - Fees