Item Coversheet

Item Report 3.3

Meeting Date: 3/7/2023

Child Support Svcs
Bennett Hoffmann
(707) 441-3262
3.3 Calserve, Inc agreement (14-015.9)

Requested Action:

Approve amendment number 9 to the agreement with Calserve, Inc. extending the term to March 1, 2024, updating exhibit B "Fee schedule" and increasing the maximum cost by $15,000 to serve legal documents on behalf of the North Coast Regional Department of Child Support Services.
Fiscal Impact:

No impact to the General Fund as this is a budgeted line item in the annual child support budget.

Our agency is required to serve legal documents in a timely manner that could include out of county, state or country.  The State requires that we have contracts with process servers who are not Sheriff/Marshal offices.  Not all counties, states or countries have sheriff or marshal services who will serve legal documents for the Child Support agency.

By keeping this contract it allows us to get our legal documents served for our international cases and cuts hours of our time researching each Sheriff/Marshal office requirements and expense of serving documents which requires additional processing time as the local
auditor's office must cut a warrant and return it to our agency to be mailed with the documents. Calserve, Inc. is also directly linked to the California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) database which allows us to move legal documents back and forth electronically which also helps expedite the work and keeps us within our legally required time frames
Alternatives Including Financial Implications:

Deny the amendment and we will go back to the slower method of hunting for Sheriff/Marshal offices who will process the paperwork and it could possibly impact how quickly we get the cases to court which could impact our federal performance measures.
Departmental Recommendation:

It is staff's recommendation that the amendment be approved.

Calserve, Inc. amendment 9
Exhibit B - 2023 Pricelist
Full agreement