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Item Report 6.2
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Meeting Date: 1/3/2023
| | Department: Clerk of the Board
| Contact: Drew Plebani - Acting Cannabis Division Director
| Phone: (530) 623-1351 |
| | | | | | | | Budget Discussion: Cannabis Department (8239)
Requested Action:
Continue to January 17, 2023 the item continued from December 29, 2022 to discuss the current status of the Cannabis Department's budget, give direction to staff regarding providing a general fund contribution or advance, and authorize the CAO and Auditor to sign any budget adjustments necessary based on the direction given. |
| | | | | | | | Fiscal Impact:
$1,018,154 from the General Fund in the form of a contribution or advance based on BOS direction. |
| | | | | | | | Summary:
Approve amendment to DCC Local Jurisdiction Assistance Grant (LJAG) and update County Budget to correspond, increasing allocations from Grant funds to Environmental Review Consultants and County staff in order to achieve the grant goals. Request for contingency funds to address Cannabis Permit fee revenue shortfall, additional funds required to cover previously budgeted items not covered under LJAG terms/ guidelines. |
| | | | | | | | Discussion:
Projected cannabis license fee revenues for FY22/23 are approximately 500k. Fee revenues plus LJAG funds are sufficient to cover all essential costs associated with the Trinity County cannabis licensing program. Costs related to non essential activities, currently budgeted for the Cannabis Division for FY22/23, create the need for the request of $1,128,800 in contingency funds. |
| | | | | | | | Alternatives Including Financial Implications:
Update Trinity County Cannabis Division Budget to reflect increased allocations for Environmental Review Consultants. |
| | | | | | | | Departmental Recommendation:
Increase County Budget to reflect changes as proposed in 12.22.22 LJAG budget and provide general fund contribution or deny request and provide direction to staff.