Application P-22-19 was submitted September 8, 2022. Due to Environmental Health needing verification that the existing septic system is adequate or for the system to be re-evaluated and a proposed parcel configuration bringing the parcel below the zoning district's minimum parcel size, the application was found to be a major lot line adjustment.
The surveyor who drafted the lot line adjustment exhibit (map) was contacted for additional information, vesting deeds and proof of legal creation and access for Parcel C within 30-days of application submission. It was later realized the surveyor was not an authorized agent. As the applicant was made aware of this after the 30-day window, the applicant declined submitting the additional information.
Staff brought the project to the Planning Commission for direction on moving the project forward without the requested materials. A decision was made that the application would be deemed complete after vesting deeds and proof of legal access of Parcel C was provided to staff. The applicant later met with Planning Department staff to request an alternative pathway forward, which planning staff declined. The applicant then appealed the Planning Commission’s decision.