Item Coversheet

Item Report 6.4

Meeting Date: 1/3/2023

Clerk of the Board
Letty Garza
BOS Meeting Schedule for 2023

Requested Action:

Set the Board of Supervisors meeting schedule for calendar year 2023.
Fiscal Impact:

No fiscal impact.

Every year the Board sets the calendar of BOS meetings, this item either takes place in late November/early December if there are no change in BOS membership, or at the first meeting in January if there are new incoming Board members.  This year we have two new board members so the setting of the calendar was postponed to the 1st meeting in January.


County code (section 1.08.080)  states that BOS meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, unless that Tuesday is a county holiday, in which case the meeting will be moved to the next business day.  The meeting schedule presented in this item is based on the provisions in County code.


In the past, the board has altered the schedule to move meetings to Wednesday if the Monday immediately preceeding the 1st or 3rd Tuesday was a holiday.  If that is the board's desire, that adjustment will need to be made during this item.

Alternatives Including Financial Implications:

1. Adopt the schedule as proposed.

2. Modify the schedule and adopt a modified schedule.

2023 BOS Meeting Schedule